Why RestQuicken was created

Six months ago, I was suffering from a condition known as Chronic Mouth Breathing (MBS). Studies show that approximately 50% of the world's population suffers from this condition and are constantly stressed and exhausted as a result.


My sleep was horrible, regardless of the fact I consistently got eight hours of sleep every day, it did not matter...


I often found myself going to the bathroom several times during the night, waking up exhausted with drool on my pillow. Unfortunately, it didn't end there; throughout the day, I felt unfocused, tired, and lacking energy. At Jiu-Jitsu and Football practice, I felt lethargic with little to give...


I had recently purchased an Audible subscription, and with it came a free book token. I could choose any book I wanted. Scrolling through an oasis of options, one particular book stood out to me. "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art", the title read. I hesitated for a moment, but I finalized my choice and gave this book a chance...


This book was an insanely valuable resource in my journey as an Athlete, but more importantly, it taught me that not all breaths are created equal.

We take 26000 breaths daily, and how we perform those breaths, heavy or light, fast or slow, deep or shallow, through the mouth or the nose, greatly impacts our health…


I learned that nose breathing is not just a new trend, hack, or gimmick; it is rooted in science and history and aligns with how our bodies are meant to function. This practice dates back to our ancient ancestors.


Breathing through our nostrils has numerous advantages, including improved facial structure, better oxygenation, deeper and more restorative sleep, enhanced mental clarity, and improved blood circulation.


RestQuicken helps Athletes break the habit of mouth breathing, leading them to a new world of opportunities and performance.